I’ ve got news for you
You answered “Yes” to my last question, didn’t you? If not, then you are hopelessly deceived.
Here’s the reason. If you open your wallet (or purse), you will likely find examples of a fiat currency. In my country, they would be U.S. dollar bills and coins. Every fiat currency only has value as long as citizens believe in it. Over the history of the world, governments have created more than 700 fiat currencies. Get this, every one of them – EVERY ONE OF THEM – has ultimately collapsed and become worthless. Don’t believe me? Do a little research. Yes, the U.S. dollar will one day be worthless.
Bingo. You may not have realized it, but I just gave you one reason why I slid down the crypto rabbit hole. Every fiat currency is a giant ponzi scheme. In August of 1971, the United States of America left the gold standard. That was the beginning of the U.S. dollar ponzi scheme. Once the dollar lost its moorings, it quickly became the victim of manipulation by the government and big banks.
How I Got Started
But that’s NOT how I got started. The reason I go into crypto was because of my Raspberry Pi. Here’s a photo of my Raspberry Pi:

In case you are not a fellow nerd, let me explain that the Raspberry Pi is a minimalist computer. Note the size. I photographed it next to a 1964 Kennedy 1/2 dollar for scale. It’s small – yet powerful. It is inexpensive (I paid $35 for mine, new in the box), yet robust enough to surf the Internet, stream videos and automate your home. It was intended to make the Internet and home computing available to the poor, particularly in third-world countries. It is ingenious.
In addition to a free operating system, the RPI uses a tiny, tiny amount of power. It is very efficient. When you get a chance, learn more about this amazing device by going to the raspberry pi foundation at: https://www.raspberrypi.org/
Before making this investment, I decided that this Pi would have to pull its own weight. For one, it would need to educate me. Indeed, it has. I have learned far more than I intended. But I also wanted to recover my entire investment. This was more difficult. However, I finally found a way. A specific crypto currency provided the answer. More on that in my next post.